Duval County, Florida

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According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Duval County, Florida has a total land area of 918 square miles of which 145 is water. Duval is mostly suburban, although there are still some rural areas, especially on the west side. The 2008 census bureau estimate puts the population at over 850,000.
The St. Johns River flows right through downtown Jacksonville, which is known as the "River City". Duval County is also Jacksonville, the borders being the same. In 1822, Duval County was created from St. Johns County, and named for William Pope DuVal, The Governor of Florida Territory from 1822 to 1834.

There are so many other websites that give information about Duval County, that rather than repeat all that has gone before, this site will be a clearing house of information of a genealogical interest.

We will be adding new material so please, check back whenever you're in the neighborhood.

We solicit any donations of reliable material, with sources please. Just send an e-mail to the county webmaster.

Sources: Skyline Picture by Trey Napoleon